Friday, January 25, 2019

Story Telling at Country Parkway Elementary School

Reading a story entitled "A Little World of Mud" from Ruskin Bond's Children's Omnibus -- showcasing the work of a great Indian author of British descent -- on the occasion of International Night at my son's school. Here's the first part of the recording for my friends who missed it.Video Courtesy: Agneya Dutta Pooleery

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Tindora in poppy seed sauce

When you live in a foreign land, you try and learn to adapt to the environment. Darwinism, I think. So if you live in a place where pointed gourd is not a native, you make do with close relatives of it. I like to think that the ivy gourd is a relative of the pointed gourd. Entirely "my opinion" and may/may not be true. I did not go to the length of checking facts. Well, at least they are both gourds -- so in some sense that may be true.

People from my native place drool over pointed gourd (also known as parval or potol) in poppy seed sauce. Why not try the adaption, ivy gourd (also known as tindora) with the same sauce? Simply logic -- lead to a really yummy preparation.

Simply slit the tindora in half along the longer side, sprinkle turmeric powder and salt and keep aside for about five minutes. Grid poppy seeds and make a thick paste using as little water as possible. Heat oil in a pan, add green chillies (if you like some heat) and throw in the tindora. Stir fry until slightly (but not overly) browned. Add in the poppy seed mix and let it boil until the tindora cooks and is well done. The poppy seed paste should dry up making a thick coating on the tindora.

And there you go folks -- tindora in poppy seed sauce to be had with roti, naan or rice! Enjoy!